This section offers a brief understanding of how our sense of smell and taste communicates what our body requires for nourishment and balance. An initial structure for “building the muscles” of the sensory listening process is very helpful. I will layout one way here. Each person has their own way- yet the foundation of physics remains the same.
The balanced diet one size fits all is a myth. There is only biochemical, individually balanced diets. Each person's biochemistry is different based on our unique configuration. So we are back to genetics. Our genes determine the chromosomes, and the latter are responsible for the presence and efficiency of the body’s enzyme systems. If the enzymes do not function, one will develop a diagnosable disease, usually one that is lurking in the family background. If we could discover the weak enzyme then we could be more specific in the application of the appropriate vitamin or mineral to make that enzyme function more efficiently.
#1) The olfactory or smelling-sense helps to indicate deficiencies or excesses. Of the many MD’s, scientists and researchers who have studied the practical communication of smell, Dr. John L. Kitkoski spent considerable time and effort to find the key to a spectrum for dietary selection, a methodology for following human olfactory (smell).
I have discovered after 15 years of experimentation that whole raw living foods communicate the clearest Signals to the body. Cooked and processed foods can be more like aphrodisiacs that seduce the senses. They can override the biological truth and trigger emotional responses as well as act as a stimulant; spiking biochemistry creating a heightened over-stimulating experience. This can leading to malnourishment and exhaustion.
What you smell is what you get. Many people like the smell of a particular food or mineral and yet they have no symptoms suggesting a deficiency. It may suggests, however, that some imbalance is on its way. Your enteric brain operates way beyond your cognitive mind- the cleaner you are and the better you become at listening to your system, the more likely you are to know what your body is asking for before an imbalance occurs. The Five Signals Practice introduces a complete structure for this Listening Process. We also offer known, fully digestible healthy food suggestions to build a new personal vocabulary (database) for your body to draw on and ask for. This can be a very effective way to rewrite the script of craving stimulants and processed food devoid of nutrients.
*If you feel cooked food is in balance for you and have a hard time digesting raw food - simply smell the foods before you cook them. Spend time in the grocery store smelling. I start in produce, hit the bulk nuts section and work my way over to the meets. I also do this with each meal. Eventually you begin to get very clear enteric (gut stomach throat) cravings and signals.
As biochemical individuals there is no “one symptom means one deficiency” method. Illness is not a particular vitamin or mineral deficiency but a complex relationship between ratios.
Each human has quantitatively a distinctive pattern of nutritional needs from individual to individual, specific needs may vary several-fold. The need is dependent upon the metabolism of the individual. Vitamins and minerals are not stored to any great extent, so they need to be replaced almost daily. Understanding what you require can all be simplified through the Smell & Taste Change approach.
This system will aid a person, based on their biochemical individuality. The methodology comprises of smell sensitive FOODS set out in an order following human olfactory (smell) and human body absorption rates. The basic component of the methodology consist of a self-administered approach to correcting vitamin and mineral deficiencies, dependencies, or imbalances.
The Smell Scale
I use a numerical indica smell table created by John L. Kitkoski. It can be used for each person to score each smell-sensitive food. The rage is from sweet/fresh/yummy, neutral, bitter/rancid or yucky. Taking into account foods that have a naturally bitter or sour smell may still have a fresh/yummy smell to them if the body requires something in it for nourishment. Obviously alcohol, coffee, processed refined carbs, sugars and the like are not included as they are stimulants. Many foods with preservatives and additives (including "fortified" vitamins) are literally designed to seduce the senses.
-With a score of 1 through 5, take one serving
-With a score of 5 through 10 do not take in that moment.
The Numerical indicia score is used to indicate how often a person is to go through the process: with a score of 1 an individual is to go back and smell the item three times a day in consideration for consumption. Score smell sensitive food’s of a 2 goes through the entire system twice a day in consideration for consumption. Score smell sensitive food of 3, the individual can go once a day. With all scores of 4's and 5's a person can go back to the food three times a week and with score’s of 6 through 10 the person goes to the food one time a week in consideration for consumption.
Taste: With each consideration allow your taste-change to tell you how much you consume in that sitting. Pay attention to taste change and change in texture. When the texture changes to rough and solid and taste turns to bland or acidic that means it is done. Eating slowly, one thing at a time you can get a clear read for this “stop signal.”
Eating mono meals can grants one that “stop signal” that often becomes fuzzy when too many foods are combined. The reason is, if I eat only oranges for breakfast my body will tell me when it has had enough, but if I throw in some other fruits I will sometimes notice that my taste buds are overstimulated, and although I may have actually had enough food, I will continue eating anyway. Overeating, even on live raw food, is unhealthy.