Living Cultured Foods are the medicine of the past...
and in my personal opinion they are the medicine of the future.
Bio-Active Living Cultured Foods are, in my experience the forefront of healing foods - Using foods as medicine. I predict this will be a huge global realization within the next couple years.
Cultured/fermented foods can offer foundational -often missing- nutrients and soothing nourishment required. Some deficiencies cultured foods address often stem all the way back to breast feeding. If for example the mothers was malnourished or her inner-eco system was off-balance this could have contributed to the baby not having having the nutrients required for a perfect set up. Also if you were a “formula baby” where you were fed formulas instead of breast milk, your system could possibly not have received the crucial probiotics and hormones necessary for perfect immune and digestive system set up.
Cultured foods along with the Fulvic/Humic minerals can assist in resolving addictive and emotional eating, over consumption codependent vice-ing (I made it up, you can use it) patterns.
Cultured Veggies can be a perfect transition from cooked over processed foods to raw foods, as the probiotics literally predigest the foods for us, making them much more nutrient dense and bioactive. They are so satisfying and soothing for the Enteric brain/ nervous system. I found them assisting in resolving my cravings for fried and over processed, over stimulating foods! In 2009 I predicted that Cultured Living Foods were the next trend. They are in my opinion the medicine of the future and have in many cultures been the medicine of the past...
You can often find premade Cultured Veggies in the refrigerated section of your local health food store. And it is quite easy and much more cost affective to create your own. Plus you can play with different mixtures!
Here is a link to invest in Culture and Kiefer starters – but you do not NEED them if finances are tight. Yep, you can culture your veggies without adding probiotic cultures. The organic raw vegetables have healthy flora (probiotics) already in and on them!
Watch this 3 part series with Donna Gates to learn how to make your own cost affective Cultured Veggies!!
In my opinion this is one of the best investments you can make in your health, optimal immunity, proper digestion and body function!