There are Five foods our body is looking for from birth. Our body gives us very clear Signals for these foods, telling us the exact forms and precise amounts. Each person's needs and preferences for these foods are very personal, based on our biochemistry. Our biochemical signature is very unique - no two bodies are alike.
These Five Foods when combined correctly through what I call the SynergyEffect can lead to the production and activation of Serotonin, Dopamine, Oxytocin, Human Growth Hormone and a whole slew of other yummy Bio chemicals. These are hormones that affect our moods, our thoughts, how we build a strong, balanced and ALIVE body, immune system, and our ability to function at our highest potential!
Our first experience of this SynergyFive (Water, Sugar, Fat, Protein, Minerals) is our mothers milk. The mother in her deep biological connection creates the most nourishing elixir for her child. The rations of the Basic Five are very specific to what the child requires in that moment for health, vitality, growth, balance and stability. This elixir also contains probiotics as well growth and immune factors that set up our neurological chemistry, our enteric brain inelegance among many other things that define our relationships with food and knowing our basic needs.
As I was not personally breast fed as a child my cravings for this special elixir drove me to create a protocol and recipe that I simply call Mothers Milk.
We cannot expect to feel Inspired and fully alive if we are malnourished. Many people cannot absorb nourishment because they are in a traumatized nervous system and are in a fight or flight response. This can be addressed through the Five Signal Practice. Nutrition is not simply about the quantity of food we consume, but also the quality and our approach to it. People with chronic malnutrition are sometimes overweight as a result of their diets, but they are still not receiving the balance of vitamins and nutrients needed. This is oftentimes why we are overweight because we are still seeking the nutrients required and are not getting the Satisfaction Signal which activates the production of dopamine and serotonin. Yummmm!
The FiveSignals Practice teaches us how to listen to our body's communication system through cravings, sense of taste and smell, and sensations. The outcome is a healthy relationship with food and feeling of complete Satisfaction.
The symptoms of being malnourished vary and depend on what is causing the malnutrition. If unaddressed, malnutrition can lead to mental or physical disability, illness, and possibly death.