MSM Gold Drops by GaiaThera!

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These are Cass' favorite drops for his eyes and sinuses. They are very soothing and relaxing. MSM plays a central role in keeping all connective tissue soft, supple, clean of toxins, vibrant and nourished. 

These are Cass' favorite drops for his eyes and sinuses. They are very soothing and relaxing. *This is the new formula that Cass and Exsula have created with added pristine ingredients, including gold and ancient glacier water for more effective results. See ingredients below. 

MSM plays a central role in keeping all connective tissue soft, supple, clean of toxins, vibrant and nourished. 

MSM breaks down unnecessary scar and fibrotic tissues while offering the vital nutrient required for healthy cellular and structural renewal. 

MSM is not a medicine, a drug, or a food-additive. It is real FOOD - It comes from organic plant (not rocks) and is water soluble. Sulfonyl sulfur is found in plants, meats, dairy products, and vegetation. In fact it is in EVERY living thing. MSM is the 3rd most abundant mineral found in your body.

MSM Water Drops can be used in eyes, nose, ears and topically on skin.  It is known to soften tissue so that nutrients and healing agents are better able to be absorbed while waist and toxins can be expelled from the cells.

MSM Water Drops can:

Support the health of your cornea
Alleviates hay fever symptoms
Relieves tired, strained eyes (from computers, driving or dusty environments).

More about EYES: Soften the membranes of the eye which perform similar functions, allowing them to be more permeable so that nutrients can pass through and provide nutrients to heal damage to the eyes. MSM Drops not only softens tissue, but repairs damaged membranes, equalizes pressures, clears up red spots and broken vessels, helps remove blemishes and other tissue particles.

Softens and loosens ear wax
Relieves ear aches.

Softens and lubricates
Alleviates hay fever symptoms.

See your doctor for more serious problems.

More Details:

Your skin is porous. The membrane on the outside of your skin allows fluids to penetrate through the wall of the membrane, which behaves like a filter allowing nutrients and soothing and healing agents to enter the skin and waste particles in your sweat to exit.

When this outer layer of tissue becomes thick and leather-like waste fluids within are trapped and cannot exit, and nutrients on the outside cannot enter.

Sulfa VRS Sulfur: Some people ask about sulfa versus sulfur. Sulfa is a chemical used in medications, and has no relationship with sulfur which is a mineral used throughout the body.


MSM Water Drops are safe for topical use (on the skin), in the ears, nose and eyes.

Consider using them after removing your contact lenses.


We use specially activated ancient glacier water - it is pure, without any contaminants. It has not been exposed to any modern day pollution. We dissolve pure MSM, and Himalayan Crystal salt in it, and add some trace minerals that support your immune system for faster recovery.

Glacial Water, MSM, Crystal Salt, Ionic Zinc, Copper, Silver, Gold, Hyaluronic Acid, Palm Glycerin, trace of Olive oil.

The liquid is non-toxic. The introduction of ionic silver and gold help fight infections, zinc and copper speed healing, HA builds flexibility.

*The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not evaluated this statement. This product is not intended to diagnose, cure or prevent any disease.

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